Appendix 1_ Locality Map

Appendix 2.1_ Alternative 1

Appendix 2.2_ Alternative 2 (Preferred Alternative)

Appendix 2.3 – Site Layout Plan (Preferred Alternative)

Appendix 3 – Site Photos

Appendix 4_ Sensitivity Maps

Appendix 5.1_ Advert_ Swartland_ 28 July 2020

Appendix 5.2_ Proof of Initial PP

Appendix 5.3_ Maildrop and Poster Placement

Appendix 5.4_ Comment Draft Scoping_Farm 1100_ Bonathaba

Appendix 5.5_ Comment on Pre-App Scoping Report_ DEA&DP

Appendix 5.6_ Comment on Pre-App Scoping Report_ Department of Agriculture

Appendix 5.7_Comments Received on NOI_ DEADP

Appendix 5.8_ Response to Comments Received from DEA&DP_ NOI

Appendix 5.9_ Bonathaba Dam_ Draft Scoping Report_ Comments and Response Table_ April 2021

Appendix 5.10_ I&AP Register_ Proposed Development of Bonathaba Dam

Appendix 6_ DEADP_Notice of Intent_Bonathaba Dam

Appendix 6_ Proof of NOI Submission

Appendix 7.1_ DEA Screening Tool_ Bonathaba Dam

Appendix 7.2_ Site Sensitivity Verification (SSV) Report_ Bonathaba Dam

Appendix 8.1_ Botanical Report

Appendix 8.2_ Freshwater Report

Appendix 8.3.1_ NID

Appendix 8.3.1_ NID_2

Appendix 8.3.2_ Acknowledgment of NID Submission

Appendix 8.3_ NOI SIER Farm 1100 Bonathaba2

Appendix 8.3_ Response from HWC

Appendix 8.4_ Engineering Method Statement

Appendix 8.5_ Client Letter Report

Appendix 8.6_ Application for Dam Safety Classification

Appendix 9_ Water Use Rights – Bergrivier Besproeingsraad – 06 June 2019

Appendix 10.1_ Impact Assessment Rating (Alternative 1)

Appendix 10.2_ Impact Assessment Rating (Alternative 2 – Preferred Alternative)

Appendix 10.3_ Impact Assessment Rating _ No-Go Option

Appendix 11 – EMPr_ Bonathaba Dam

Appendix 12.1_ EAP CV_ Anthony Mader

Appendix 12.2 – CV of EAP (Bernard de Witt)

Appendix 13.2_ EIA Resolution certified (003)

Appendix 13_ Applicant Declaration

Appendix 13_ EAP Declaration

Draft Scoping Report – Bonathaba Dam