Permit 08.2021-NC.EIA.09.JTG.GAM.KAT1.2014

Final Environmental Impact Report – Kathu Uitkoms

Appendix 1A – Acknowledgement of Receipt

Appendix 1B – Acceptance of Scoping Report

Appendix 2A – Alternative 1 layout

Appendix 2B – Alternative 2 layout

Appendix 2C – Alternative 3 layout

Appendix 2D – Preferred Alternative Layout

Appendix 3A – Interested and Affected Party list

Appendix 3B – Newspaper advert

Appendix 3C – Proof of email notification – Draft EIR

Appendix 3C – Proof of email notification – DSR

Appendix 3C – Proof of notification letters

Appendix 3C – Proof of Notifications – Draft EIR

Appendix 3C – Proof of notifications – DSR

Appendix 3C – Proof of notifications – FSR

Appendix 3C – SAHRIS submission proof

Appendix 3D – Proof of posters and letter drops

Appendix 3E – Comment and Response Report – DSR Uitkoms

Appendix 3E – Comment and Response Report – Initial comments

Appendix 3E – Comment and Response Report – Uitkoms Draft EIR

Appendix 3E – Comments on Draft EIR – DAFF

Appendix 3E – Comments on Draft EIR – Werksmans

Appendix 3E – Comments on Draft SR – DAFF

Appendix 3E – Comments on Draft SR – DENC

Appendix 3E – Comments on Draft SR – Werksmans

Appendix 3E – Comments on Final SR – Werksmans

Appendix 4A – Bulk Services Report

Appendix 4B – Electrical Services Report

Appendix 4C – Services provider confirmation (Gamagarra Municipality)

Appendix 4D – Bulk Water Report Feb 2019

Appendix 5 – Kathu Spatial Development Framework

Appendix 6A – Botanical Impact Assessment

Appendix 6B – Heritage Impact Assessment

Appendix 6C – Palaeontological Impact Assessment

Appendix 6D – Socio-economic Impact Assessment

Appendix 6E – Geo-technical Report

Appendix 6F – Traffic Impact Assessment

Appendix 7 – Impact Assessment, Significance and Mitigation Measures Summary

Appendix 8 – Site overview photos

Appendix 9 – Environmental Management Programme