Correction Notice – Rustenberg Wines

Environmental Authorisation – Rustenberg Wines

Appendix A – Locality Map

Appendix B – Site Development Plan

Appendix C – Site overview photos

Appendix D – Biodiversity Overlay Map – DEA Screening Tool

Appendix D – Biodiversity Overlay Map

Appendix E1 – Rustenburg Wines SAHRA permit

Appendix F1 – Proof of Newspaper Advert

Appendix F2 – Proof of posters

Appendix F3 – Proof of email notifications – tenants

Appendix F3 – Proof of email notifications

Appendix F3 – Proof of Notifications – Pre-Application Draft BAR

Appendix F3 – Proof of notifications

Appendix F3 – Rustenberg Wines – NEMA Application Notification

Appendix F4 – Rustenburg Wines IAP register

Appendix F5 – CapeNature – Initial comments

Appendix F5 – CapeNature – Pre- Application Draft BAR comment

Appendix F5 – Comment and Response Report – Initial comments

Appendix F5 – Comment and Response Report – Pre- Application Draft BAR

Appendix F5 – DEADP – Pre-Application Draft BAR comment

Appendix F5 – DWS letter – Pre-Application Draft BAR comment

Appendix G1 – Rustenberg Wines Soil Study

Appendix G2 – Freshwater opinion Rustenberg Stellenbosch

Appendix G3 – Botanical Assessment Report

Appendix G4 – Heritage Screener

Appendix H – Environmental Management Programme

Appendix J – Impact Assessment, Significance and Mitigation Measures Summary

Rustenberg Wines – Post-Application Draft BAR