01. Draft EIR – Kleinvlei Dam

Appendix 1 – Locality Map

Appendix 2A – Site Development Plan – Preferred Alternative

Appendix 2B – Site Development Plans – Alternative Option 2

Appendix 3 – Dam Wall Alternatives – Options 1, 2 and 3

Appendix 4 – Site overview photos

Appendix 5 – Preliminary Design Report

Appendix 6A – Proof of Newspaper advert – Witzenberg Herald-15112019007~CPTIS

Appendix 6B – Proof of posters

Appendix 6C – Proof of email notifications – Draft EIR

Appendix 6C – Proof of email notifications – Draft Scoping Report

Appendix 6C – Proof of email notifications – Inital2

Appendix 6C – Proof of email notifications – Initial

Appendix 6C – Proof of initial notifications

Appendix 6C – Proof of notifications

Appendix 6D – IAP Register Kleinvlei Dam

Appendix 6E – Comment and Response Report – Draft EIR

Appendix 6E – Comment and Response Report – Draft Scoping Report

Appendix 6E – Comment and Response Report – Pre-Application Draft Scoping Report

Appendix 7A – Acceptance of Scoping Report and Plan of Study

Appendix 7B – Heritage Western Cape NID Response

Appendix 8A – Botanical & Terrestrial Biodiversity Compliance Statement – Kleinvlei Dam clay quarry

Appendix 8A – Botanical Impact Assessment

Appendix 8B – Freshwater Ecological Assessment

Appendix 8C – Hydrological and EWR report

Appendix 9 – Impact Assessment, Significance and Mitigation Measures Summary

Appendix 9 – Scoring Matrix – Preferred Alternative

Appendix 10 – EMPr Kleinvlei Dam

Appendix 10 – MMP Kleinvlei Dam

Appendix 11 – Water Use Licence

Appendix 12 – DFFE Screening Tool

Appendix 13 – CV of EAP (Bernard de Witt)

Appendix 13 – CV of EAP (Clinton Geyser)

Appendix 14 – Applicant Declaration

Appendix 14 – EAP Declaration

Appendix 14 – Specialist declaration – Botanical

Appendix 14 – Specialist Declaration – Engineers

Appendix 14 – Specialist declaration – Freshwater

Appendix 14 – Specialist declaration – Hydrological