Appendix A1.1_ Locality Map

Appendix A1.2_ Locality Map_ 1 in 25 000

Appendix A1.3_ Locality Map_ 1 in 50 000

Appendix A3.1_ Map with the GPS co-ordinates for Boundary of Proposed Dam Expansion

Appendix A3.2_ Linear Activity_ Access Road_ GPS Co-Ordinates

Appendix A3.3_ GPS Co-ordinates of Irrigation Pipes

Appendix B1.1_ Spatial Development Plan_ Zwartfontein Dam

Appendix B1.2_ Dam Design Alternatives

Appendix B2 – Environmental Sensitivites

Appendix B2 – Site Development Plan

Appendix C – Site photos

Appendix D1 – Biodiversity Overlay Map

Appendix D2 – Crop Census

Appendix D3 – Vegetation Map

Appendix D4 – Water Resources Map

Appendix E.1_ HWC Permit

Appendix E.2_ Proof eWULAAS Process Initiated – 29 Oct 2019

Appendix E1_ HWC-Permit (HWC Remains as is) (13 January 2021)

Appendix E2__CapeNature Comment_04042019

Appendix E2__CapeNature Response

Appendix E3.1_ Water Use Rights – Bergrivier Besproeingsraad – 06 June 2019

Appendix E3.1_ Zwartfontein Dam Permit – 03 Feb 1995

Appendix E3.2_ DWS Ack Receipt of WULA – Zwartfontein Dam – 18 Jun 2020

Appendix E3.2_ eWULAAS Letter_ DWS_ 2020-06-18

Appendix E7.1_Dept Agriculture Land Use Comment

Appendix E7_Dept Agriculture Land Use Comment_28031029

Appendix E15_Swartland Mun Comment_29032019

Appendix F1_ Registered I&APs List

Appendix F2.0_ Comments and Response Table_ Zwartfontein Dam_ April 2021_ Revised DBAR

Appendix F2.1_ Pre-BAR C&RR – Zwartfontein Dam

Appendix F2.2 – Pre-App BAR Comments Received & Responses – Zwartfontein Dam

Appendix F2.3_ Department of Water and Sanitation Comment on Pre-App

Appendix F2.4_ Pre-App Comment_ DoA

Appendix F2.5_ Swartland Mun Comment_29 03 2019

Appendix F2.6_ Closed pre app file Remainder of farm No 792 Zwartfontein Malmesbury

Appendix F2.7_ DEA&DP Comment on NOI

Appendix F2.8_Comments on Pre App BAR Rem of Farm No 792 Zwartfontein Malmesbury_ DEA&DP

Appendix F2.9_ CapeNature Comment_04 04 2019

Appendix F2_ Intial Comments & Responses Report – Zwartfontein Dam

Appendix F2_ Intial Comments Received and Responses – Zwartfontein Dam

Appendix F3_ DEA&DP Comment on Pre-App BAR – Zwartfontein Dam – 31 Jan 2020

Appendix F3_ Initial Notification to I&APs – Mar 2019

Appendix F3_ Notification of Application_ DEA&DP

Appendix F3_ Notification of DBAR_ DEA&DP

Appendix F3_ Poster_Zwartfontein Dam

Appendix F3_ Pre-App BAR S24O Notification – Nov 2019

Appendix F3_ Proof NOI submitted & Acknow by DEADP

Appendix F3_ Proof of NEMA Applicability Checklist submission & comment from DEADP

Appendix F4.2_ Advertisement

Appendix F4_ Proof of Advertisement_ 26 March 2020

Appendix F5_ Maildrops

Appendix F5_ Proof of Posters Placement

Appendix F6.1_ Comments on DBAR Zwartfontein RE 792 and Portion 8 of Farm 792 Malmesbury

Appendix F6.2_ Comments on SSV Report Zwartfontein RE 792 and Portion 8 of Farm 792 Malmesbury

Appendix F6.3_ Zwartfontein Dam-DoA (13 January 2021)

Appendix F6.4_ EnviroAfrica – Zwartfontein Dam_ DWS

Appendix F6.5_ Site Sensitivity Verification (SSV) Report_ Zwartfontein Dam

Appendix F6.6_ Site Sensitivty Verification

Appendix F6.7_ Response to Site Sensitivity Report Comment from the DEA&DP

Appendix F6.8_ Proof of Notification_ Draft BAR_2

Appendix F6.9_ Proof of Notification_ Draft BAR

Appendix F6.10_ Ack DBAR Zwartfontein 792 Portion 8 Malmesbury

Appendix F6.10_ Proof of DBAR Notification

Appendix F6.11_ Ack of App Form for BA Zwartfontein 792 Portion 8 Malmesbury

Appendix G1_ Botanical Statement_ Revised Report (2021-02-16)

Appendix G2_ Freshwater Assessment

Appendix G3.1_ NID submission to HWC

Appendix G3.2_ HWC Permit

Appendix G3_ Heritage Screener Appendix G4_ Geophysical Survey

Appendix G5.1_ Raising of Zwartfontein Dam – Method Statement

Appendix H_ EMPr Zwartfontein Dam_ April 2021

Appendix I.1_ DEA Screening Tool_ Zwartfontein Dam

Appendix I.2_ DEA Screening Tool_ Specialist Motivations_ Zwartfontein Dam

Appendix J.1_ Methodology Impact Risk Matrix

Appendix J2.1 – Impact Risk Assessment

Appendix J2.2 – Impact Risk Assessment (Design Alternatives)

Appendix K_ Needs and Desirability for Proposed Activity

Appendix L1_ EAP CV_ Anthony Mader

Appendix M.1_ MS01 Alien invasive Plant Eradication

Appendix M.2_ MS02 Hydrology management during construction maintenance

Appendix M.3_ MS03 Mitigate disturbance of habitat and compaction of soil due to construction maintenance

Appendix M.4_ MS04 Runoff erosion and sedimentation control during construction maintenance

Appendix M_ Maintainance Management Plan_ Zwartfonein Dam

Appendix N_ Regulation 19 (1b) of EIA Regs, Notice for Zwartfontein Dam Process Extension

DEADP_ Revised Draft Basic Assessment Report_ Zwartfontein Dam_ April 2021