0 Hans Moes Kraal_FBAR

App A_Locality Map

App B_New Site Plan_Hans Moes Kraal

App C_Site Photos_Hans Moes Kraal

App D_ Biodiversity Overlay Map

App D_Surrounding Land Use

App D_Vegetation Map

App D_Water resources map

App E1_HWC Comments

App E2_CAA Obstacle Approval

App E3_ CARA Demarcation Permit & Application

App F1.0_Updated Comments Response Report_Jan 2020

App F1.1.1_Proof NOI submitted DEADP 29-11-2018

App F1.1_ DEADP Ackn NOI_18-12-2018

App F1.2_DEADP Acknow receipt PreApp BAR 22-02-2019

App F1.3._Email Correspondence Jandri Vorster 25-02-2019

App F1.4._Email Correspondence JJ Venter 23 -25-2019

App F1.5._Email Correspondence George Municipality re Land Use Application 04-04-2019

App F1.6_BGCMA Comment Pre-App BAR 25-03-2019

App F1.7_DEADP Comment Pre-App BAR 25-03-2019

App F1.8_DEADP Acknow Revised Application_25-07-2019

App F1.9.1_Comment from BGCMA re WULA & watercourses

App F1.9.2_Proof neighbours were included in Public Particpation Process

App F1.9_ DEADP comments PostApp BAR_26-08-2019

App F1.10.1_Email Correpondence George Mun re Electricity supply

App F1.10.2_Email Correspondence George Mun re Mast designs

App F1.11_Email Correspondence JJ Venter 02-12-2019

App F1.12_Email Correpondence EnviroAfrica and Landowner re CARA Demarcation Permit 25-11-2019

App F1.13_ Acknowledgement of Receipt of Revised Draft BAR 14_11_19

App F1.14_ DEADP comments Revised DBAR_11-12-2019

App F1.15_ Revised Post-App Basic Ass Dept Agriculture Land Use Man

App F1.16_ Email comm with landowner 11_02_20

App F1.17_ Comment of the 2nd Revised DBAR 03_03_20

App F2_Maildrops

App F3_Proof of Posters_Hans Moes

App F4_Proof of Handout Letter to I&AP

App F5_I&AP List

App F6_Proof of advert in the newspaper

App F7.1_Proof Pre-App BAR sent out for comment

App F7.2_Proof Post-App BAR sent out for comment

App F7.3_Proof RBAR sent out for comment

App F7.4_Cover letter sent with second RBAR PPP

App F8_Notification and Acknow of 50day extension

App F9_Notification Emails and Acknowledgement of 60day extension

App G1_Heritage Screener

App G2.0_Visual Impact Assessment

App G2.1_VIA_Addendum

App G2.2_VIA_Opinion Statement

App G2.3_VIA_App 6 GN 982 Compliance

App G2.4_VIA Specialist CV

App H_EMPr

App I_Waste Management Activities – Not Applicable

App J1_Impact Risk Rating Methodology

App J2_ Impact Assessment Ratings

App K_Atlas Tower Need and Desirability

App L_Letter from Dept of Health_effects of cellular base stations

App M_POA – Registered Owner’s Consent

App N_EAPs CVs