Appendix A_ Maps

Appendix B – Site overview photos – Gariep

Appendix C_ Alternative 1

Appendix C_ Alternative 2

Appendix C_ Alternative 3_ Preferred Alternative

Appendix D1_ Botanical Assessment_ Gariep Housing

Appendix D2_ Freshwater Assessment_ Gariep Housing

Appendix D3_ Heritage Assessment_ Gariep Housing

Appendix D4_ Geotechnical Investigation

Appendix D5_ Engineering Services Report_ Gariep Housing

Appendix D6_ Needs and Desirability_ Gariep Housing

Appendix E1_ Advert_ Kalahari Bulletin_ 11 June 2020

Appendix E1_ Proof of posters – Gariep

Appendix E2.1_Gariep Watch_ 17th June 2020

Appendix E2.2_Gariep Watch_ 17th June 2020

Appendix E2.3_Boegoeberg Watergebruikersvereniging_ 29 June 2020

Appendix E2.4_ Municipality Response

Appendix E2.5_ Final Comment on DBAR_ SAHRA

Appendix E2.6_ Gariep_ Comments and Response Table_ December 2020

Appendix E3_ I&AP Register_ Proposed Development of Gariep Township

Appendix E4_ Notification Letter_ 1

Appendix E4_ Notification Letter_ 2

Appendix E4_ Notification Letter_ 3

Appendix E4_ Notification Letter_ 4

Appendix F.1_ Scoring Matrix

Appendix F.2_ Impact Assessment Significance and Mitigation Measures_ Gariep Housing

Appendix F3_ Impact Assessment_ Alternative Layout

Appendix G – Final Environmental Management Plan (EMPr)

Appendix G_ Environmental Management Plan (EMP) – CHANGE

Appendix H1_ Details-of-EAP

Appendix H2_ EAP CV_ Anthony Mader

Appendix_ DENC Acknowledgment of Reciept_ NC-BA-10-ZFM-!KHE-GAR1-2020 APP FORM AND DRAFT BAR

EA Permit 12-2021_ Gariep Housing Development_ NC-BA-10-ZFM-!KHEGAR1-2021

FBAR_ Gariep_ !Kheis Housing Development