Environmental Authorisation_Farm 502_Louw’s_Bos

Appendix 3 – Reasons for Decision

Appeals Procedure

00 Louw’s Bos EA Application Form

0 Louw’s Bos FBAR

Appendix A – Locality Maps

Appendix B – Site Plans

Appendix B1 – Site Layout Plan 1 preferred

Appendix B2 – Site Layout Plan 2 not preferred

Appendix B3 – Stormwater & Sewage Network Layout

Appendix B4 – Schematic Plan of Sewage Treatment Package Plant

Appendix C – Site Photographs

Appendix D – Sensitivity Maps

Appendix E – Comments from Organs of State

Appendix E1 – Comments from DEA&DP EIMS

Appendix E2 – Comments from CapeNature

Appendix E3 – Comments from DWS

Appendix E4 – Comments from HWC

Appendix E5 – Comments from DAFF

Appendix E6 – Comments from Stellenbosch Municipality

Appendix E7 – Comments from DEA&DP Waste

Appendix E8 – Comments from DEA&DP P&CM

Appendix F – Comment & Response Reports

Appendix F1 – Supporting Documents part 1

Appendix F1 continued – Supporting Documents part 2

Appendix F2 – Public Participation Proof

Appendix G1 – Biodiversity Sensitivity Maps & Statement

Appendix G2 – Botanical Constraints Analysis

Appendix G3 – Freshwater Assessment

Appendix G4 – Geohydrological Assessment

Appendix G5a – Geotechnical Assessment Preferred Site

Appendix G5b – Geotechnical Assessment Alternate Site

Appendix G6 – Soil Investigation Report

Appendix G7 – Heritage Impact Assessment

Appendix G8 – Heritage Screener

Appendix G9 – Services Report

Appendix G10 – Socio-economic Assessment

Appendix G11 – Final Traffic Study

Appendix G12 – Burial Statistics

Appendix H – I&APs List

Appendix I – Impact Assessment

Appendix J – Rezoning Information

Appendix K – Minutes of Council Meeting

Appendix L – First Report 2016

Appendix M – Motivation for Endorsement

Appendix N – Cemetery Feasibility Study 2006

Appendix O – EMPr